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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Years of complaints - No relief from littering!

Despite years of complaints to the AJC, to the BBB and setting up several blogs like this on the subject, the Atlanta Journal Constitution persists in throwing their unwanted advertising flyers onto my property.

After some months with no such activity today Oct 4th, they are back at it. The whole subdivision (54 houses) now have these advertising flyers on their lawns, sidewalks and driveways. In my case I DO NOT want them but they pay no attention. It is time to boycott the AJC!

 Oct. 4, 2012


I made it clear to them last year that if/when it happened again that I was going to hire an attorney to go after them. Now they are back tossing this garbage onto my property again. They did the whole Summer Stream subdivision today. I am now looking for a lawyer to take up the matter.

Click on link to go to main site:


While my own subdivision in Kennesaw has no recent problems with the distribution of the 2 'junk' throwdowns, it is clear that the rest of the Metro Atlanta area continues to be plagued by the rude and foul mouthed scum employeed by the AJC to toss down their unwanted advertising sections.

Below is an incoming item sent to me from Mr. Covey of Lawrenceville which goes into his dealings with an AJC driver.

The matter is NOT going away unless someone goes to court asking for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to keep their HOA or even just their own home free from the AJC littering.

Readers of one of my 4 blogs will recall that I have threatened to do just this is even 'one more' of their trash publications ends up on my property. This warning by me to the AJC resulted in several months of my home in Kennesaw being staked out by AJC people to make sure that none of their drivers mistakenly left me a little present.

I am still entirely willing to take them to court if I do get another unwanted gift and I would be pleased to join into any class action suit by other consumers.

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Here are my 4 blogsites, as direct links, plus one other put up by other annoyed consumers:

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American Circulation Innovations Advertisement for delivery people:

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The AJC Reach is back in the news again for continuing to litter the streets, lawns and driveways of Metro Atlanta. 

CBS TV had a 3 minute long update on the problem in tonight’s broadcast.  News Anchors Stephney Fisher and Jaquitta Williams summarized the problem and tossed it to Leslie Tanner in the field in Reynoldstown , SE Atlanta where she interviewed local resident Karl Xjimenez who complainted that the AJC had started the New Year with a continued barrage of advertising supplements and Ms. Tanner also interviewed Ms. Peggy Denby of the ‘Keep Atlanta Beautiful’ organization which is in the midst of a survey of the litter problem in Atlanta.
As usual the Atlanta Journal Constitution is ducking and diving and not providing any explanation for their continued bad conduct.  In my own Kennesaw area we still seem to be on the AJC ‘do not throw’ list, but as I have commented before, these lulls never last long, and I expect that before much longer we will have the problem again with both of the AJC toss away papers.

For the latest story see:

"We will close the complaint to report that despite the company's willingness to state their position; you did not agree with their response and therefore remained dissatisfied."Posted by Picasa
As you will read below, I have been trying for months to have the litter that the AJC calls 'The Evening Edge' stopped from being tossed onto my property every Thursday. They said to the BBB in reply to my complaint: "We have stopped all Circulars at this address. . . Your request to have the Evening Edge stopped at your address for good has been properly noted and received."

2 Thursdays have come and gone since they wrote that, both days there was an 'Evening Edge' in the driveway. Not only that, but today, Monday March 1 they threw a new advertising section in the drive and this is called 'AJC Reach'. So not only am I getting the Evening Edge on Thursdays now the problem has doubled with this new AJC Reach on Monday!

Posted by PicasaPhotos 3/1/2010
FYI: I put in a BBB complaint, the AJC still has its A+ rating with them and I see that my complaint has now been 'administratively closed'. I guess the BBB isn't going to take any action on a member that is clearly violating their own guidelines. IMHO the BBB is worthless.

I had complained also to the BBB where the AJC is a member and after some delay they replied to my complaint via the BBB who sent on a notice to me listing their 2/17/10 reply which says:
"We have received a request to stop Evening Edge at 3236 Summer Stream Lane, Kennesaw, Ga 30152. We have stopped all Circulars at this address. I apologize for the delay in a response to your complaint. However, please be assured that we can and will pick up any circulars in your driveway or on your lawn that we have delivered in error. Your request to have the Evening Edge stopped at your address for good has been properly noted and received. Thanks for your Patience."

Keep in mind that this reply was sent to the BBB on Wed 2/17. On both Thursday 2/18 and today 2/25, the Evening Edge was tossed into the driveway! So absolutely nothing has changed.

I note that they say they can come out and pick up the flyers if I call them. You might recall that a large part of my complaint is that I am gone a considerable part of the year from the Kennesaw residence, thus I am not home for weeks/months at a time and won't be able to call to have the accumulation of unwanted papers removed, so that assurance is absolutely worthless.

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Tell them to 'knock it off' and keep their trash off your property!
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
(AKA: Evening Edge)
has offices at:
72 Marietta Street NW
Atlanta, GA. 30303

With various contact info via:
Home Delivery/Circulation
(404) 522-4141

Editorial Staff
Karen Park, Editor
(404) 526-7526

(404) 526-7003

AJC Media Solutions
(404) 526-5775


Click on this link to be directed to the main AJC Blog site:

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