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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Recent Continued Trashing of Atlanta by the Atlanta Journal Constitution!

While my own subdivision in Kennesaw has no recent problems with the distribution of the 2 'junk' throwdowns, it is clear that the rest of the Metro Atlanta area continues to be plagued by the rude and foul mouthed scum employeed by the AJC to toss down their unwanted advertising sections.

Below is an incoming item sent to me from Mr. Covey of Lawrenceville which goes into his dealings with an AJC driver.

The matter is NOT going away unless someone goes to court asking for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to keep their HOA or even just their own home free from the AJC littering.

Readers of one of my 4 blogs will recall that I have threatened to do just this is even 'one more' of their trash publications ends up on my property. This warning by me to the AJC resulted in several months of my home in Kennesaw being staked out by AJC people to make sure that none of their drivers mistakenly left me a little present.

I am still entirely willing to take them to court if I do get another unwanted gift and I would be pleased to join into any class action suit by other consumers.

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Here are my 4 blogsites, as direct links, plus one other put up by other annoyed consumers:

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American Circulation Innovations Advertisement for delivery people:

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Monday, July 4, 2011